Monday, January 7, 2008


The gorgeous Kerry sent me some photos from the kids' kindy Christmas party. This photo is sweet, Caleb wrapped around Kerry like a koala. He was tired, and he has a very special spot for Kerry. Love it.

Looking at some photos lately, I have realised where Caleb gets his strange photo faces from . . . me!

Honestly, I try and look normal when the camera is about to blink, but I just don't think I can do normal. No comment needed, thanks Sheree!

Man, today has been a challenge. Putting it politely! The sticky heat is so draining. The kids don't like it, and don't hesitate in letting me know. The two half shells had scored pretty decent amounts of rainwater. I dragged (and broke a bit, oops) the shell from the yard up onto the covered cement. Then proceeded to dump mop bucket loads of rainwater from the other half a shell into the 'shell pool'. The kids were in the nicky-noo-nar splashing around in the water having a great time. They definitely enjoyed the cool play, but still didn't mind the whine when someone touched someone else's water jug.

Make sure you are drinking lots of water, it is good for you!

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