Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry and Happy

Righto, while I have two hands (the poop machine has lived up to his name and is off with Daddy for a new round of frilly knickers) I have been meaning to pop in to say . . .

Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year
to you and your loved ones!

Christmas day seemed to come so fast and be over fast too! If you are kicking up your heels for NYE have a rippa and enjoy some festive bubbly for me. Caleb and Zali will be at Nan & Pop's place and I will no doubt be in bed by 8.30pm (heck, might push it and stay up till 9pm!). Maybe Griff will decide to see in the new year with a midnight celebratory milkshake.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Erm ...

While feeding Griffy in the lounge, the other side of the house was quiet and the 'big 2' were quiet. Obviously up to something.

Getting closer I heard the toilet flush. I hope you are not playing in the toilet, I said.

Noo Muuumm! was the reply.

I did a pooey, said Caleb.

Erm, I need to clean your bottom, said I.

No, Zali did it! he says


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Zali is at kindy today, so it has been a little quieter and I have been able to have a decent sleep. Caleb, Griff and I slept in my room with the air-con and wasted a good 2 or so hours. Nice!

Before Griff wakes up, he still making use of the empty bed and cool room, Caleb and I are going to make some 'reward charts'. One for Caleb and one for Zali. When they are together, obviously this is a lot of the time, they been bouncing off each other and being naughty and not listening and pushing their boundaries. So. Will try a reward chart system that moves with good and not so good behaviour and see where the tally ends up at the end of the day.

Better get started before I hear a small cuddly bloke calling for his Mummy (or more probably her 'equipment'!).

Enjoy your Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Smiling Pooper

This is from this morning at the playgroup Christmas party. Heading home he was happy and smiling so I whipped out the camera, it is shaded reddish cause of the red pram and the sun hitting it - he isn't actually a red baby!

Good Bet

Yep, if you would have put a good size wager on the likelihood of Griffy doing a poo when we went out yesterday morning, you would have gone home a rich and happy winner!

Why? Cause we had to dash out quick and I grabbed the wrong bag - the one with *no* Griff nappies and *no* wipes. We were only out for a few minutes . . .

That few minutes changed as communication channels are poor at Grandma's work and they had changed the venue for the training she was attending. Dropped her off (late) and we pulled up under a nice shady tree so Griff could have the second course of his milky breakfast. Happily drinking his liquid gold he opened up his rear end . . . twice . . . the rumble in the jungle was impressive.

Yep. Mostly wind, for sure . . . . pleeeease!

It was a poo-through. Through his nappy, all up his back and touching the front top nappy as well. Soaked through his 'onesie'. How did I find out this? Well, when I picked him up to burp and my hand hit something wet was about the same time as when I looked down at *my* shorts to see huge patches of poo! EW! It was everywhere!

I said 'bugger bugger bugger'. Caleb replies 'why you say bugger Mummy?' 'Griffy did a big poo' and then I started laughing, it was all I could do. Honestly, it was bound to happen at this particular point in unpreparedness.

Ended up cleaning him up with a white cloth nappy and *thankfully* there was a nappy in the car. Zali's nappy. It was tickling his armpits and the sides wrapped a fair way around him, but it did do the job. I put on a tighter fitting onesie to help hold the sucker tight in case of any further explosions.

We were supposed to be going to check the post box next, however our route was via home to change my shorts. Honestly.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Cousin Cuddles

Sheree and David visited one Sunday late in November. We got Campbell and Finn to cuddle Griff for a photo.

Awww aren't they cute! C & F will be great big brothers when their little baby arrives next year.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Picked up delicious cherries from the markets this morning. They had come up from Young in NSW. I gave the kids some cherry earrings and told them to stand together for a photo. The drama queen didn't want too.

Then they ate their earrings.

The drama queen . . .

preferred to eat than model.

My beautiful boy who is growing big. No earrings for him . . . might've given his ratbag siblings ideas.