Sunday, January 6, 2008

She in Boots

I love this! My little girl in Uncle David's work boots. Thanks for sending the photo Sheree!

She is loving big people shoes and I am finding odd shoes all around the house. Caleb walks around in one shoe also. The worse part is when you are late to leave the house, I run to find my shoes and then have to begin a Hide and Seek game to complete my pair.

I had to try bigger shoes on Caleb to see if his new AFO would fit inside. Not much luck. One pair has red in them (they are basic play shoes) and he is really liking them, wants to wear all the time. Won't go back to his nice brown sandals. Dammit. This thing of having an opinion and wanting to wear certain things, hmm, don't think I like it.

What a yucky sticky day. When we were heading home from the markets at 6.30am, it was uncomfortable already. Cripes. And Caleb still wants to vacuum, I say nope, too hot to vacuum. Report me to Child Services if you must, but I am not vacuuming in this heat for the entertainment of my child. Zali was vacuuming in the nicky-noo-nar this morning, however I suggested that doing that chore in that state of undress has bought much misery to certain people doing strange things with stated equipment. She gave me a look, then continued on her merry little way.

Lesson of the day? No-one listens to my dribble, not even my Mummy-loving-little-girl.

Wake up bright, smiling and happy on Monday!

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