Friday, May 1, 2009


An out of focus dodgy shot. But. The everyday moment captured is perfect. Griff (clothed by the beautiful Kate) mesmerised by Caleb (in last years way-too-short jimmies) and Zali still waking up with her messy hair wearing her new Dora jimmies.

Happy first of May. The best month of the year! I am going to blog every day this month, since I have been a bad blogger of recent times. Cripes, why did I have this brainstorming idea on a 31 day month . . . doh!

1 comment:

Liz Weber said...

Happy May Gail - love the pic of the kids - will be wonderful to look back on in years to come...

Hope you feel better - I am feeling the lurgy as well doh!

Will let you know when I am at the shop so you can do some scrap shopping (hehe)...

Take care and hope to catch up soon for sure!