Monday, August 27, 2007


I very sick today. Yesterday I had a headache which wouldn't budge. Throughout the night it turned into a migraine. I got up just before 6am with Caleb, went downstairs and threw up. Took a bucket with me into the lounge so I could sit with him. I took a couple of tablets to relieve the unbelievable pain I was suffering. And threw up. Caleb sat and watched. Tablets are *so* disgusting, even worse than having to swallow them.

He points in the bucket 'What is that?'
'Vomit' I groaned.

I went straight back to bed and Adrian took over, just as Zali was waking. I thankfully went to sleep after all blinds were closed and minimal light coming from anywhere.

A few hours later I took the bucket downstairs to return to it's rightful place and Caleb came waltzing over. 'Oh, bomip!' he says proudly.

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