Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Sister - The Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday to you, dear Sheree. Hope you enjoyed your day and loved your presents. Another year down already though? My, they are shooting past so fast! He he.

Man, if you can't bag your older sister about age, who can you? And she knows I love her. Big squeezey cuddle to you.

How funny is this! There were a few photos like this, all with eyes closed. Here, we have eyes open, and Campbell is doing a big booger pick!

Sheree is loved by her hubby and two little boys - the loves and light of her life. Their happy little family.

Happy Birthday to you, my dear sister.

Other than this being a special birthday, this was a damn hard day! My little *angels* got more, erm, *angelic* as the day progressed. I think there is some sickness knocking on our door, with some more runney noses starting, some coughing, some misery, some tiredness and some crankiness. And me going even more bonkers.

I bought a couple of those Sudafed plug-in things, like a vapourizer? They smell really nice. Will see if the kids come out tomorrow any different. Fingers crossed. Kathleen from Hi-5 says they are good. Better be right, Kathleen.

Can I ask you what party food do you like? Especially if you were a kid? Help me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me - gotta be fairy bread and chocolate crackles! The fairy bread is pretty cute cut into shapes with a cookie cutter and the kids can eat the off cuts before the party. Oh wait, was that a questions for anyone to answer?
Just Jill