Monday, July 2, 2007


We had some cheesey tomato spaghetti for lunch. Caleb loved it. He drunk all his popper. He had a red cheesey tomato face. He thought it was funny.

I gave some to Zali. She really liked it. I think she might have gone a little rash-type red around the eyes, but only if you looked hard. That is a great improvement for her eating, and I will certainly give her more of that another day. Yeah! She had some banana after that - yippee! So good that she is eating a fruit and not rashing-up. Maybe she is starting to grow out of her intolerance to some foods. Fingers crossed.

We played on the swings. We played with bubbles. Caleb whinged. Zali ate a leaf or two. They had an afternoon sleep, at the same time! Thank you thank you thank you. I sat and journalled about the kids while I had some quiet, basically cause it was really overdue.

Then we watched Hi-5, played on the swings, played with bubbles, and Caleb whinged. Zali played and ate the bubble blower.

I spent the entire day in my jimmies. When I changed and had a shower before dinner, they were covered in pasta sauce, snot, dribble, wee (not mine!!), arrowroot and cheerios. What a treat.

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