Friday, July 13, 2007

Bit Sick

My little girl is a bit sick tonight. Still been off, I think I have said that for a few days. Today she was still miserable, sometimes would eat and sometimes not.

She has high temperature tonight and is very unsettled. She isn't upset or crying, just not sleeping and half talking to herself. She is liking company, and is tired, and wants to sleep, but isn't. I came down to get the thermometer to check the current status. Adrian is keeping her company.

Might take up some panadol to help her get to sleep and monitor that temperature. I am really tired, and need some sleep. Not sure how much I will get tonight.

Caleb went to bed very nicely tonight, very exhausted after three days of kindy for the first time ever. He was at Little School again today. Was much happier, but did get a little upset when I left this morning. His report for the day said he was the star student! He has made a friend. He slept and ate a little better. Things looking good.

Better go and give my bubby some cuddles. I bit sad she feeling yucky.

Take care.

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