Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dear ...

Dear Caleb and Zali,

I have decided that I do not like Thursdays. For the second week in a row, after tiring days at Little School and kindy, you have been too tired to go to sleep and obviously too tired to listen. After morning tea and Hi5, with lots of yawns, it was nap time. Or should I say that was my plan (putting your best interests and well-being first), but not yours.

Let's just scoot through the next few hours, this is a family show and I need to keep calm.

2pm is when you both fell asleep in the car. As per last week - you had better sleep for at least two hours or I do not think my sanity and patience will be rebooted in a shorter period of time.

Love you both dearly,
Your Mother.

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