Wednesday, April 2, 2008

V. Close

Am working on a new banner. When I can work out what I am doing, well, I suppose you will see it!

I found out today that my dear sweet friend is pregnant (that part I already knew) and her scan shows her 6 days ahead of me! How close is that! We are both very happy to be doing this at the same time. And the other cool thing? We both coincidentally see the same obstetrician.

Caleb is now on school holidays. I hope the week will zoom by, as I am not sure I will be very entertaining. He asks me 'Mummy are you sick today?' Generally the answer is yes.


Liz Weber said...

OH love the new banner Gail. Very sweet and very moving to see number 3 there.

Good luck with the school holidays and hope to see you guys next week.

Take care and thanks for showing off all your BG goodies today :-)

Terri B said...

LOVE that banner!!! How awesome!