Monday, December 7, 2009

The 7th Day

was a very challenging day. Very.

There wasn't much to photograph today. With steam coming out of my ears and cleaning/tidying/picking up after or some other tedious task that naughty children had left/caused, I wasn't very much in the mood.

Other parts you would not want to see in pictures anyway.

Like when I saw a naked 13 month boy standing at the back door. Like when I saw his nappy, which he had removed, laying in the kitchen. Like when I went to pick him up to re-nappy and the smell of what was in the deserted nappy wafted and tickled my nostrils. Like when I saw what he looked like with said smelly stuff all over him. All over him. The feet, the legs, the rudey parts, the hands and arms and even the face - he must have had an itch to scratch.


We had to shower ourselves clean and dry and start afresh. Afresh, that was my aim, until I saw Little Miss 3 standing at the bottom of the stairs rolling around a particularly nasty smelly piece of brown play dough - which was *not* play dough. What the?

Lets just hope tomorrow is a *much* better day. Yes?

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