Saturday, October 27, 2007


Well, I have been a little self absorbed this week. I have forgotten to blog a few things. My mind just seemed to be flitting between Zali becoming a Mad Cow and Caleb's day at hospital.

Happy Birthday Macey!

Macey turned one on Monday. Macey's Mummy told me they ate plenty of cake. That is the way it should be!

Happy Birthday Jared!

Jared turned one on Wednesday. He has cute eyes, he will be a winner with the girls!

I can't believe how fast the year has gone, unbelievable.

Thursday was a remarkable day in the Jeffrey household. Little Ben started to walk independently. What a fantastic achievement. Very happy and proud for you! Won't be any stopping you now, kiddo!

My thoughts are with Loretta and hubby. They have a big challenge ahead, but in the end Kobie will feel better. In the end. Between now and then though, my thoughts are with them all. I wish for them to get some sleep, I wish for Kobie to fill up his belly, I wish for wonderful things.

Some times we get caught up in our own little world. Which, of course, is very important. I think it is nice to also think about others. They may be going through a rough patch, they may be struggling due to a variety of reasons, maybe they are having a miserable day. Knowing that someone else is thinking of you, getting a smile, a hug, knowing someone cares . . . all beautiful things that cost us nothing. Now *that* is priceless.

Guess what? It is only four weeks until Mel and Brent's wedding! Aaarrgghh! It is coming so fast! Next week we celebrate with the Hen's and Buck's nights, will be lovely to go out and have some great company and an enjoyable evening. Between now and then I will have to work out some conversation starters that don't involve my children (you know, cause that is my entire life and the main thing I talk about!) and enjoy some 'adult time'. Cripes.

Mel had her measurements taken for her dress! Aaarrgghh! How exciting! I am going to have the first fitting for my dress next week. Eeek! Things are happening!

Baby Amy is three months old already! Cripes. Time goes so fast. Haven't seen her for a few weeks so I am guessing she is *desperate* for some Aunty Gail cuddles.

Monday I am heading over to meeting Baby Quincy! Can't wait. Better make sure I have charged batteries in the camera. She is three weeks old on Monday. Surely she has her Mummy and Daddy wrapped firmly around her tiny finger by now.

Have a lovely weekend.

P.S Hospital went well. Long day. Tiring day. Starving day. Caleb did great for a while, then got tired and hungry. Mummy got tired and hungry too. Procedure went well, waiting now for the toxin to work it's magic. Physiotherapy starts in a few weeks. Between now and the middle of December we need to go back to the RCH for a hip x-ray, a chat with the Occupational Therapist about his arm, the post-botox follow up with the paediatrician and a fitting (and taking) of his new 'boot'.

Through in a holiday at the beach, a wedding and all that hospital excitement, well, we are going to have a crazy two months.


Anonymous said...

Hey Aunty Gail,

I am definitely well in need of a cuddle from one of my favourite Aunties :-)

My mummy and I look forward to seeing you very soon!

Lots of love and hugs

Liz Weber said...

Hi Gail, glad to hear the hospital visit went well - yay for Caleb.

Hope Zali is better this week?

Hope you got some "Gail" time over the weekend (ha ha I know).

I do hope some scrapping has been happening ahem ahem :-)

Hope to catch up with you guys soon.

Jill said...

Hello Gail, have you been told lately that "U Rock", well you know you do! Hope you all have a better week this week. You will have to post some pics of your "organised" scrap area. I'm off to a retreat this weekend. Wish you were with me.