Friday, September 7, 2007

Went Well

Yesterday was kindy day. This was make or break day. I put off cancelling Zali's enrolment because I was unsure, wanting to do the right thing for all of us, and consider all the options. As Thursday approached the best option was to try another day. If it was a repeat of last week, I was cancelling straight away.

It wasn't. Hooray!

She did cry at times. She had a tiny sleep (just like at home). She ate well and drank her water. She played. I didn't get one phone call. I didn't ring either. I didn't want to her things were going bad, cause I would have gone straight in to get her. I wanted to persevere and see how they handled her, and how she handed them. We picked her up about 3pm, at which time she was ready for another tiny sleep so was a little upset. She improved after some food.

The rest of the afternoon she was quite good, but mostly importantly, she went to bed without too much drama. She slept through the night and woke up a happy little girl.

It was all good. Isn't that promising!

Me and Zali having a girl day today, Caleb at Little School. Looking forward to that book coming home to read about his day. I think I will warm up tiny zucchini muffins for their afternoon tea, something nice and warm for their belly.

When we got home yesterday Caleb slammed his thumb when he shut the car door. Uh-oh. I knew it would have to happen one day, but it isn't nice. He wouldn't let us touch it, and just wanted to sit and hug. I don't think it was a bad slam, you know on the car-door-slamming-scale, his thumb looked ok later in the night. Will have to see how much bruising there is. It scares and upsets me (probably him too!) when he does anything to his left hand, cause he doesn't really have back up and/or the option to use his other hand.

Okey, Miss Z has finished her tiny sleep already, must be off.

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