Thursday, September 20, 2007


Grrrrrr. Zali didn't go to kindy today as she was unwell. Her nose needed to be wiped all the time and she was not happy. A-huh. That makes two of us. She was miserable and cranky and whingeing and crying all day. I am so over today. I don't know what the problem is exactly, other than a slight cold. I am slapping the Bonjella on her gums, she has had Panadol. She didn't eat normally, so there is an obvious sign that she isn't well. She took ages to go to bed, just cried in misery. She would have been overtired as well, so things couldn't have been much worse for her. I am so wound up, I think I need my cup of tea and a scrap page to play with to help me wind down. Cause that I what I had planned for today.

I picked up a cat cage from our vet this afternoon. Molly is going in tomorrow morning for her annual needle and checkup, then going downstairs to the 'parlour' for grooming. She AIN'T going to like her adventure. Last time we took her in, she walked around in the car. And did some 'nasty' in the car because she was scared. 'Nasty' is hard to clean up and, basically, not nice.

I will leave it there. Need my cup of tea. Desperately.

1 comment:

Liz Weber said...

Oh Gail I hope Zali is better already!

Your poor puss cat - hope the vet and the groomers made a "new" cat come back with no nasties in the car - pooohey!

Hope this week is better for you guys and hope to see you on Wednesday :-)