Monday, July 21, 2008

Day Care

It rolls on to week two of Gail's Day Care. Great day (especially cause it involved cake and food and fun!) and Amy was happy and playful and in a good mood . . . as long as I stayed in sight. Miss Zali is a Mini Mum. Here she brought Amy her milk and her water and stroked her hair. She also gave her a million pieces of chalk, which Amy decided the best place to hold them was her mouth! Erk!

Just so Amy's Mum and Dad know she does consume food and liquid refreshments and I am not in fact tipping a little out and starving the little bean, here she is drinking her milk and her water . . . . surrounded by a million pieces of chalk. See, there is a food group . . chalk!!

We all had a good day together, and had fun celebrating with Caleb at little school. See next post!

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