Saturday, August 23, 2008


Oh my, what a week. As I said to my friend Janene, can't wait for this one to be over. Well, I am not actually sure when it will be over!

Along with all the other issewes, Zali got a mild case of conjunctivitis. This was shared (how lovely) and Caleb got a go also - however he always suffers from it and got a worse dose. Least he gets the drops in his eyes well - he giggles!

Zali is still not better. Depending on the day and time she can be great taking her medicine, or the devil child. She is cranky and miserable and so over it all. She has lost some bubby fat as she is not eating well - obvious sign of illness!

Caleb hasn't had another problem with his throat/breathing since the first episode (and after taking some sort of steriod medicine to help him), but has a funny voice from a funny throat. He is eating ok, not back to normal, but seems generally in a decent mood. Unless there are fights over the car seats arm rests!

My defective body decided it was time to cave yesterday. Terrible pains in my belly with too much toilet time and later in the day my stomach was in my throat and I was waiting for that too erupt. Erm, hope no one is eating? I felt like total crap. Of course the husband had to work late, so I gave the kids a pathetic 'sink' bath, and struggled with dressing them in jimmies - oh my pains wouldn't leave me. The sink bath is simple - I can't bend well, so I toss them in my ensuite's sink and wash them down while they bask in the glory of watching themselves in the mirror. Meanwhile I get water everywhere, save my back (and/or any other agony I am dealing with) and they have fun making faces and watching the whole experience. I had to drive to the train station to pick him up (no sign of the bike being fixed yet) and it was a struggle!

Anyway, hopefully we will all recover really quickly (please please PLEASE!).

Hey JJ! Baby will be making grand appearance on Wednesday 22 October 2008! After the last scan on Wednesday, where he weighed in like a little Jessie the Elephant, he is doing very well health-wise. Did I mention my little Jessie was doing a top to bottom gymnastics routine while I was moaning in agony with pains and poos and nearly-vomits? I think this kid will emerge needing size 1 and being one metre tall, he takes up too much room!

Anyhoo, off to bed. I have had two naps today, but I am needing more, it is hard work being this sexy, oops, I mean sick.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Fantastic! Did I mention I've been feeling a little off - I think they call it morning sickness. Yep - I'm only 6 weeks but can't keep my excitement to myself and it's due on 23 April. Catie is very excited and can't beleive she has to wait 'til April. Love JJx