Friday, October 24, 2008


8.15pm and I am nearly ready for bed. After my cup of tea I suppose the little man will wake and want his 'baby-cino'. Then I will go to bed.

It is very lucky that you fall deeply and totally in love with your newborn, as some side effects are a little undesirable . . . but I don't mind when I stare at his little precious face (well, don't mind is pushing it, perhaps tolerate, probably cause I have no other choice). I have an infection in my wound which is being sent to the lab to be tested. The cherry on top? I also have mastitis. Basically I am a walking talking 'ow' 'ouch' groan and moan monster popping anti-biotics and pain relief like a junkie. Noice.

Hope you are a bit more bouncy and have a spiffy weekend!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh no, sounds horrible! Hope you're feeling better quickly.