Monday, October 6, 2008

Can you hear . . .

Can you hear that . . .

the sound of bliss . . .

the sound of absolute quiet.

Sigh. What a wonderful sound.

School holidays are over and it is back to a normal week. Caleb was in his seat on the bus faster than you could blink and Zali left for kindy with Daddy when he headed off for the train. By 8am I had two eggs boiling for my breakfast (which I didn't have to share) and was on the phone singing my happiness to Sheree. She told her son that it was some crazy lady singing on the phone. Hmpf! Who was she calling lady!?!

I am supposed to be resting. Which I am, just eating some lunch and checking my pooter at the moment. I had a sleep this morning, didn't really have a choice when 9am came around and I was falling asleep reading a blog. Took myself upstairs and spent the morning cuddling my bed - noice!

The plan for the rest of the day: cut and eat my green apple (ok, I do have four pieces of white chocolate left and they are calling my name also), head over to get my hair cut at New Farm, zoom past kindy and pick up the little miss on the way home and then cook a creamy tomato chicken pasta for dinner (plus chicken tortillas for Daddy). If the light is still good when I get home I will set up the tripod for some photos of the 'belly' (it needs ' ' cause it is a being of its own). Not sure how much longer I will last before the little alien opens its zip and greets the world. Enjoy your Monday.

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