Thursday, May 8, 2008


Caleb and I went in this morning to see a couple of friendly Occupational Therapists who made a plaster casting for Caleb's right arm. He wasn't exactly thrilled and would only cooperate if he sat on Mummy. Once it got started he settled in and would feel the wet and sticky and fluffy bits. He chose green for the protective covering and giggled when I used a wet cloth to clean off dried plaster from his ribs and under arm. The casting starts between elbow and shoulder and ends near his knuckles, with the thumb separated from the other fingers.

When we return in a week for removal and a new one, it will start mid forearm and end at fingertips - that will be a challenge and slight struggle for his little hand. The biggest challenge will be when they bring out the mini saw to remove the current casting. Caleb will be climbing the walls.

The casting was complete, Caleb asks 'Can we take this home?' Sure can matey! (It is stuck there for a week! With that question and my subsequent positive response I was a pretty cool mother.)

Back home Caleb asks if Zali can have one tomorrow? No. Can his other arm get one? No.

Fast forward to this afternoon. I don't like this anymore, please take it off? No. I think I ain't a cool mother anymore, I might be a mean one.

Other than the emotional challenges for me, a big one will be all the 'people' asking about his broken arm and looking at me in surprise . . . obviously I am a bad mother who cannot look after my child. On top of the existing looks and questions about his (always) broken/injured leg, this should be a fun few weeks of explaining to noodleheads.

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