Monday, May 26, 2008


It took me a long time to shake that nasty tummy bug I picked up - not sure if it mixed with my hormones and had fun messing with me. Generally doing pretty well at the moment.

We went to Toowoomba on the weekend for a family dinner at Telfers. Huge big feed of wonderful food - always a treat! Nannie also made a baked cheesecake and upside down pear and ginger cake - both v. tasty.

Oops, my girl just woke up. She is standing at the top of the stairs calling for me - doh!

We visited Sheree, David, Campbell and Finn also. Lots of play for the kids, lots of food and nice seeing everyone. Gotta run, she is down the stairs and hanging at the gate at the study, wanting me.

Hug to you all.

1 comment:

Jill said...

pleased you are feeling better you crazy chic. I'm posting some pics of your 2 with my 1 on my blog so check them out. JJx