Monday, November 23, 2009

Just Needs Fuel

How early is too early to begin your chores? My nearly-walking-little-man was having a ball outside this afternoon pushing the mower around. He took it slow and steady and strong - he looked so darn cute!

Not so cute (ok, as his Mum I still thought it was cute) when the mower would reach the shed/concrete/pole/trampoline and he was stuck. Turning is another skill for a future adventure. He wasn't impressed that things got in his way.

I would change his direction and he would happily be on his way.
Until he was *thrown* and went for a full-on strop - priceless! Suppose it didn't help that he was tired and some teeth are trying to break through. Speaking of, he has just woken up again - poor little bloke is in pain with said teeth.

I was trying to set up this shot when a 'streaker' rudely interrupted the broadcast! Eeeek!

Stay cool!

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