Monday, September 22, 2008


Cripes. I am moaning all the time about how there are such loooonnnngggggg weeks ahead waiting for this baby, and the last week has flown by.

We hit the road on Friday and headed up to Toowoomba. Visiting the Telfer family, meeting up with Sheree for a wee shop and a lovely lunch and chat, having a nice birthday dinner for both Teagan and Alex (I am sure there was more dessert and cake than dinner foods) and having an afternoon play with Campbell and Finn at Crows Nest. David made me laugh too much and I was coughing way hard, and Sheree bribed me with another Sudoku book - how could I refuse? There was hail amongst all the thunder and lightning at their place - you know, just before my entire family gets into the car to drive home! It didn't really hail much while driving, but at times the rain was so heavy the road was hard to see. And don't even mention my (devil possessed) daughter screaming like a banshee for 40 minutes cause she was horribly tired but kept waking throughout the drive. She went to sleep mighty fast once she was safely tucked into her own bed.

With the school holidays now upon us, I had Caleb, Zali and Amy at home today. They had a pretty good day I must say, especially the part where they slept up to 2.5 hours! This morning we had a trip to the Royal Children's Hospital for some reviews for Caleb's last lot of Botox and chatting regarding his future appointments - which took up the majority of the morning by the time we dropped Daddy off to work and checked the post box and got nearly a full tank of fuel . . . before realising I had left my credit card at home .... arrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh.

I walked in like an idiot to alert them to my stupidity (great!) and made arrangements to call in my payment details when I got home - thank the stars we were going straight home. Fool doesn't begin to describe how I felt!

Please, did anyone else to anything foolish lately? C'mon, share your pain to help me feel better!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I've filled up without any way of paying years ago and got to the check out with a full trolley only to realise I didn't have the purse. This was all pre-children and pregnancy so there wasn't any excuse except stupidity. Then last week I filled up and didn't have my wallet. Luckily my boss was with me and she was cashed up. Hope this makes you feel better! JJx