Friday, June 27, 2008


What a week. Zali picked up Mad Cow Disease at kindy, which meant she couldn't go to kindy (grrr!) Ok, it is actually called Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. You get little spots on those mentioned areas and it is highly contagious. Went to the doctor to confirm and she said there is no point excluding them as the germs are already there and will exit the body for weeks. Anyway.

Caleb got a new red casting on Wednesday morning. Hayley, the v. cool physio, made a red-back spider to put on it, but he (grrr) pulled it off. We have a family day thing with Adrian's work on Sunday and the kids are to dress up as superheros. Caleb is going in his Spiderman outfit, so the cool spider on his cast was going to rock! Was. Throwing a few things together for Zali to be a fairy.

Back to the new cast. I haven't been letting Caleb outside much because the grass is damp/moist or just plain wet lately in this weather. The boot can't get wet at all and as a little boy who tries hard with that, sometimes the lure of fun and playing and too much laughter takes over. So I gotta be a tough Mum. Which means no park either, cause they are filled with sand or dirt or bark or some sort of crap that can't be in/around/near the cast. I can pull it off on Tuesday night (can't wait!) and then he goes back to his normal boot, phew!

Two active children couped up in the house for most of the week. Hmm. Equals psycho kids and a Mummy on. the. edge! After baths tonight I said to hubby I would be leaving shortly after I finished packing. Where are you going? he asked. I don't know, but I will return sometime in October! To make is worse today I have had such a killer headache that my good friend Panadol hardly touches, grrrr.

Have a good weekend all, I think I will go lock myself in my room.

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