Sunday, June 22, 2008

of Late.

Mmmm. Of late I seem to be busy with not a great deal. Not much time to keep my to-do list under control (ha - who am I kidding . . . that would be *never* under control) or the fluffy bits around that.

I sit here now drinking a freshly made Gloria Jeans Vanilla Creme de Caramel. After I drink it I am heading up for a wee nap. I made a big pot of coffee so hubby can have a second round . . . for me to try and earn some brownie points for when I attempt to sleep for as long as possible . . . before he sends up the monkeys to jump all over the bed and get me up. Hmpf.

Caleb had another round of Botox in his right calf at the beginning of June. We went in for some post-botox therapy on Thursday and the physio thought it best to have some casting done to further enhance the botox effect. He has a big red boot on till Tuesday evening when I can *try* take it off and give him a good old soaking bath. Until then he has face washer baths and is not allowed near water or sand or mud or anything moist, as that will destroy the boot and it will have to be removed immediately. His skin can get a 'bit sick' if it is in constant contact with moist/wet boot and we still need another whole week with a new cast (so he needs good healthy skin) when we return to the Royal Children's Hospital on Wednesday morning. Otherwise he is doing very well. He knows to take care of his boot, he is looking forward to showing everyone at Little School and is still a monkey.

Zali is powering along. More talking, loves practising her little jumping move, stubborn as ever, dances and sings and loves to cuddle and wrap and kiss and rock her babies.

This little baby is growing well inside. Caleb thinks it is funny to let out a shout to 'wake the baby'. I reply 'shhhh, don't wake the baby!' Then we talk about why it is in my belly, again. Instead of saying 'baby', we can now call him Baby G. Cause, yep, we are bringing another little (monkey) boy into our family (watch out world!).

Baby Amy had a day with us on Friday when her Mummy had to do a day of training. It was her first full day away from Mum and she was a little, erm, unsure/confused/cuddly. She handled herself very well I think, it is a big change for a little person. I think Mummy handled it OK also. Both their faces lit up when it was home time though! My two were a little jealous at times for all the cuddles Amy was getting, but they were pretty good and liked to play with her.

Anyway, Baby G is kicking me and that is my sign to head upstairs for my nap. Coffee was good. Sorry it has been so long between drinks (posts), need to improve on that.

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