Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today was pretty nuts. The husband had to be at work before 6.30am to drive out of town for work - and didn't get back until 9ishpm! Grandma left for work at 6.30am. First thing on my mind when I was woken by a little boy at 5.03am asking me when I was going to be going downstairs . . . cup of tea. Then . . . do one thing at a time.

With the three kids dressed and fed and slept (Griffy!) we got to kindy at a reasonable time to drop Z off. The boys and I went to Spotlight to purchase some fun crafty things for craft adventures on a no-kindy day. While getting out the pram Caleb was running up and down the sloping path . . . and . . . wait for it . . . you can guess, can't you! . . . he came a guttser and skinned, bruised and hurt both knees, an elbow and his pride.

Mid-way through our *short* shopping experience Caleb wanted to go to the toilet. I asked a *friendly* staff member to keep my stuff at the counter until I came back - sheesh lady, sorry for interrupting your day! Trying to exit the toilet, pulling on a heavy door, Caleb jammed his fingers when said heavy door was shutting cause it was . . . too heavy. Oh lord. Now it was 'pick which part of Caleb hasn't been hurt yet'.

Anyhoo, we all had a lovely sleep in the air-con after watching Dora, and Mummy getting a cappuccino (to inject! oops, think don't say think don't say!).

Right now all my precious little poppets are sound asleep. I have just finished my dinner and have come in here to pretend I have some spare time before my smallest little poppet wakes for his late night snack.

Have a rockin Thursday!

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