Sunday, November 25, 2007


This is what has kept me busy . . .
Mel and Brent married on Saturday! Yippeeee!

I will give you the full details and photos this week, just wanted to pop in and say hi.

We arrived home on Monday after our two weeks at the beach. Then the whole past week was 'Wedding Week'. Everything was fantastic, but now, things will calm down and resume to our regular programming. First task is the unpacking from our holiday. I am tired of tripping over the big suitcase at the end of my bed!

Sincerely hope everyone has had a fabulous last few weeks. Crikey - how close is Christmas! That is freaky. Man, the shops are already starting to get busier.



Jill said...

oh wow! What a hotty! The bride looks fab too!
Love JJ
PS. I miss you more.

Liz Weber said...

Glad you had a good time Gail. You look gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing holiday and wedding photos.